Amateur Astronomy Under The Big Sky
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  • Friday, April 30th – The Sun and Solar Eclipses with Dr. Jay Pasachoff

    “The Sun and Solar Eclipses”

    Solar eclipses are the most spectacular celestial phenomena in which we on Earth can participate.  Prof. Pasachoff, a veteran of 50 solar eclipses, will describe how the outer part of the sun shines and how his studies at the recent eclipses in Greece, Russia, and China have helped our understanding of our nearest star.

    Jay Pasachoff, Field Memorial Professor of Astronomy at Williams College in Massachusetts, is chair of the International Astronomical Union’s Working Group on Eclipses.

    This lecture will be held at the Museum of the Rockies in the Hager Auditorium.  Doors open at 7:00, the lecture will begin at 7:30. Free and open to the public. The winter lecture series is sponsored by SMAS, MSGC, MSU Physics, and Museum of the Rockies.