Here are some of the apps that club members like to use. Some are night sky related others are solar, some are weather to help us plan for the night. We have some for fun when it’s cloudy and we can’t get out and some to tell us what that satellite going over head is or how to find an object. Let us know if you have one to add to the list, we haven’t provided links, so if you have trouble finding them in your itunes or the play store let us know and we’ll give you more information. Thanks.
Both Android and iOS:
Star Chart – free: You can change location and move in time to see what the north star will be in 10,000 years.
NASA – free: Come explore with NASA and discover the latest images, videos, mission information, news, feature stories, tweets, NASA TV and featured content with the NASA app
Night Sky Lite – free: your personal planetarium.
ISS Detector – free: watch the ISS go over head
- Stellarium
- NASA Selfies
- Celestron Sky Portal
iOS – only:
Star and Planet finder – free:
- SatFinder 3D augmented reality
Android – only:
Sky Map from google – free:
SkEye Astronomy – free: you can strap onto your OTA to guide your scope to where you want to look
- Aurora Labs Forecast
- Satellite AR
My list of apps on my Droid:
3D Sun Astronomers Friend Astronomy Calendar Aurora Aurora Notifier Aurorasaurus Clear Outside Clear Sky Droid Color Flashlight compass level Curiosity: the Mars Mission Drake Calc Earth Now Geomagnetic Storm GLOBE observer Heaven’s Above Iridium Flares ISS detector ISS Live! Jupiter’s moons Light Pollution Map Loss of the night Lunar Map HD Lunar Phase Meteor Counter Meteor Shower Calendar Moon Phase Moon Phase IV NASA Images NASA Selfies NASA Space Weather NOAA Weather Radar Northern Eye Aurora Planet’s Position Polaris Navigation Radar Now! S&T Skyweek Sky Map Sky Pointer Sky Portal Sky Safari SkyView Free Solar Eclipse Timer Solar Observer Solar Viewer Solaris Spacecraft 3D Star Chart Star Odyssey Star Tracker Stellarium Sun and Moon Sun, Moon, Planets SunSpots WxSat