Upcoming meeting: April 24th, 2009
Ryan Hannahoe, director of client support services with the Fair Dinkum Skies Observatory and an MSU student, will discuss “Astronomical Imaging: The Point When Art Breaks Through Science” at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, in the Museum of the Rockies’ Hager Auditorium.
The lecture is free and open to the public.
Participants are invited to join Hannahoe as he discusses the art of digital astronomical photography. Hannahoe is expected to share some of his works and process an image ‘on-the-fly’ for the audience to see how processing techniques can be applied.
The Museum’s winter lecture series is sponsored by the Montana Space Grant Consortium, Museum of the Rockies and the Southwest Montana Astronomical Society.
Exit Gallery exhibition (April 20th – May 1st)
SMAS member and MSU undergraduate, Ryan Hannahoe, will be having his astronomical work featured in a solo art exhibit appearing in Montana State University’s Exit Gallery. This exhibition will occur from April 20th through May 1st, and the hours of operation for the gallery are Monday through Friday from 9 to 5PM.
On April 22nd a catered artist reception will be held in room 212 of the Student Union Building from 5 to 7PM. Come out to support Ryan and his work!
Astronomical Imaging; The Point When Art Breaks Through Science
The night-time sky has captured the hearts and imaginations of individuals since the beginning of mankind. Join Ryan Hannahoe as he discusses the art of basic digital astronomical photography. Within his lecture, Ryan will share some of his many works, along with processing an image ‘on-the-fly’ for the audience to see how processing techniques can be applied.
Ryan Hannahoe is the Director of Client Support Services with the Fair Dinkum Skies Observatory and is a student at Montana State University.
Date: Friday, April 24.
Time: 7:30 PM.
Place: Museum of the Rockies in the Hager Auditorium.For more information regarding the lecture go to The Museum Of The Rockies web site.
The above photograph was taken by Ryan Hannahoe remotely over the Internet with a telescope located in Western, Australia at the Fair Dinkum Skies Observatory. The Eta Carinae Nebula resides in the southern constellation of Carina and is roughly 6,500 light-years away from Earth. The total exposure time for this photograph adds up to over 40 hours worth of data. Come see Ryan and more of his work at his talk in the winter lecture series.