As seen on TV
There has been several great astronomical events recently, and Mike Heard at KBZK helped to get the word out. A short clip for Astronomy Day was shown the first week of April, followed by a live appearance for the eclipse on the KBZK studio patio. Jacob Kushner had first light on the Hiscock Telescope on April 14th live on TV as we were waiting on the eclipse. Jacob has been building the scope from the MSGC grant with the help of several high school students and some members of SMAS.
Stars over Bozeman star parties planned
The Southwest Montana Astronomical Society (SMAS) is pleased to announce:
“Stars over Bozeman”
Friday, June 11th , back up date in case of cloud cover June 12th
Friday, July 16th, back up date in case of cloud cover July 17th
Friday, August 13th, back up date in case of cloud cover August 14th
Setup at 9 pm with viewing by 10:00 pm; with better viewing after 11:00 pm. These events will be held at the 100 Acre Gallatin Regional Park located on Oak St 1.2 miles west of North 19th Street in Bozeman.
As a group of amateur astronomers we wish to share our telescopes and knowledge of the night skies to all who wish to attend this free after dark event. Club telescopes to be used range in size from small traditional 3 inch telescopes to our Pasley Dobsonian which has a 20 inch diameter lens mirror and is close to 8 feet tall, when pointing straight up. This requires the use of a ladder to look into the eyepiece for most people. We are excited to use the Pasley this summer following a refurbishing project that included having the mirror refinished.
Bring your own telescope if you wish and members of SMAS will help you to use it.
NASA’s Mars Phoenix Mission P.I. to give special SMAS presentation on October 8th.
Dr. Peter Smith of NASA’s Mars Phoenix Mission will deliver a lectured entitled “Phoenix in Winter Wonderland” during a special meeting of SMAS that will be held on October 8th. This event will be in the Hager Auditorium of the Museum of the Rockies, and will begin promptly at 7:00PM. This event is free and open to the public.
Dr. Smith’s abstract for the presentation is as follows:
Phoenix recently completed a five-month-long investigation of the Martian arctic and found water ice just beneath the dry surface soil. Comparing Antarctic dry valleys with the Martian polar plains leads to the conclusion that liquid water helped create the minerals in the soil. Snow has been observed falling from overlying clouds and frost is seen on the surface. Water is clearly part of the climate cycle and leads to the question: Is this a location where life is possible on Mars?